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Case studies

3M Safety Drive

Client 3M
Year 2017
Mode Road show
4 custom-built trucks. 21 states. 4 months. Trucks go to each and every industrial cluster in India to train and educate the industrial workforce.

How to educate the industrial workforce to use safety gear?

The Safety Roadshow is a joint initiative of DGFASLI and 3M India Limited and aims to drive health and safety culture in the Indian workforce. This immersive mobile training center is 40-foot, fully equipped platform that will showcase 3M’s industrial safety expertise and Personal Protective Equipment. The Safety Roadshow will visit industrial clusters across the nation and provide in-person safety training, education and demonstrations. Supported by 3M’s expert technical service staff and a local sales representative, the Safety Roadshow will partner with industrial facilities across India. to drive safety and build confidence.
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1000s of media coverage. Government support.
Sales grew by 7%. Global 3M project.