Recently, we started walking after dinner. With kids. Today turned out very interesting.

A neighbour chopped few trees.

They had to chop it to start construction and my 11yr daughter protested the construction so did my 7yr old son. They were furious. I asked them where do you think our house stand, was there any trees in that spot? To which they are fine as it happened long back and not aware. Fair enough. But this lead to whole exchange of thoughts on how structures, trees, living beings and including Humans are recycled on this earth.

Isn’t it bad to construct house on a a grave?


All of a sudden she asked me “if it’s okay to build house on a place where the trees were then why don’t they have houses on grave? We can’t build house on grave, it is not good.” That’s a fair question. And it went into how her friend believes in ghost and graves being the hub for ghosts.

You are what you think.

Old Chinese saying

I asked them ” what will happen to us after we die?” To which my son had a very logical thought I ever heard. He said “simple, we die, insects eat and poop. That is eaten by trees and produce food for us. We eat it, grow and die. It’s a cycle, Acha” here’s a little drawing he made to explain the same….

The stick man is on the ground. A block is his grave. Rest is the story.

On the contrary my daughter had a very philosophical point of view like Buddha. Body and aatma theory. Which is fascinating. Even though I don’t find logic in it. Am fascinated by the thought of what if series of questions.

Kids are such amazing personalities to discuss any subject. Very clear, no bias. Hearty.

Interesting? If you like this and want to discuss, do ping me, we can deep dive.